Recordings below were made on March 5th and 6th, 2022 and are available for a limited time, according to the presenter's wishes; not all sessions were recorded.
Dr. Mark Stetter: Use of Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS = Laparoscopy) in Zoological Medicine
Plenary session of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Natalia Antinoff: Ferret Oncology
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Winston Vickers: California Mountain Lion Research
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Angela Lennox: Sugar Glider Medicine
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Kristina Delaski: Red Panda Medicine and Conservation
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Jamie Sherman & Dr. Duane Tom: From Rescue to Release - A Wildlife Veterinarian's Role in Oil Spill Response
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Livia Benato: Pain Recognition in Rabbits
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Alissa Deming: High Prevalence of Cancer in Wild California Sea Lions Linked to Herpesvirus Infection and Contaminant Exposure
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Danielle Tarbert: Ball Python Medicine
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Mitch Stephens: Bee Medicine
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Alex Herman: California Condor Recovery Team at the Oakland Zoo
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Eva Marie Quijano Cardé: Pet Fish Medicine
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Jennifer Graham: Approach to the Avian Trauma Patient
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. David Eshar: Reference Intervals (Ranges) in Exotic Species
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Andy Stamper: Marine Ecosystem Health - One Veterinarian's Adventures to Save Florida's and the Bahamas' Coral Reefs
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Yvonne Van Zeeland: Feather Damaging Behavior
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Bruce Christensen: Lifetime Reproductive Breeding in Captive Breeding Programs
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Kelsey Brust: Diagnostic Imaging in Fish
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Marty Haulena: Cetacean Conservation Medicine and Critical Care
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Paula Rodriguez: Look No Feather - Avian Radiology
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Gregory Lewbart: Chelonian Medicine and Surgery - Three Decades of Interesting Cases
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Christoph Mans: Reptile Cloacal Prolapse Management
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Meredith Clancy: From Individual to Population - A Zoo Clinician's Challenges
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Krista Keller: Update on 'Yellow Fungus Disease'
Session in the exotic animals track of 37th Annual WEAS
Dr. Brittany Stevens: Moray Eel Medicine & Surgery
Session in the zoo & wildlife track of 37th Annual WEAS