mountain lion trail camera

Human Interaction

As the population of California grows and development expands into mountain lion habitat, conflicts are bound to occur. We continue to investigate methods of reducing conflicts between mountain lions, domestic animals, and people, especially in wild areas utilized by people, and rural areas where livestock are often kept in mountain lion habitat. This involves developing and testing deterrent devices and assessing mountain lion interaction patterns with humans and domestic animals in peri-urban or rural areas, and wildland parks.

Our team has worked to educate the public about how to avoid unnecessary risk when living in mountain lion country, and about the animals themselves and the issues they face. This educational work takes the form of presentations to the public and professional audiences, as well as a film series and full-length film about California mountain lions.

Avoiding back-country trails after twilight, hiking with companions, keeping children close, and protecting pets and livestock from potential attacks all enhance human safety in mountain lion habitat. Learning to see the world through the eyes of wildlife increases safety as well as increasing appreciation for our wild neighbors that help maintain healthy ecosystems for our benefit.